About us

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MNKS enters into periodic agreements with Indian and internationally based ship owners, ship managers and seafarer unions. This ensures a strong basis to ensure fair and internationally accepted work and wage conditions taking into account national and international regulations, including the Maritime Labour Convention (MLC), 2006. These agreements also enable us to sustain welfare funds for our members and their families.

The office staff is well experienced in all aspects of providing the required stipulated assistance , and guidance, to its members in a smooth and efficient manner. We also provide guidance in taxation, legal and medical awareness through qualified professionals. We publish our home Journal OCEANITE every quarter and it is distributed free of cost to our members and the Shipping fraternity. The administration of the Union is being guided by the Executive Committee members who are elected periodically under the rules of the Indian Trade Union Act 1926. We also provide protection of Certificate of Competency (CoC) of members to support legal cost in case of Marine Court of Inquiry, suspension and other stipulated consequences reflecting directly on the CoC. We firmly support Government and all maritime organizations in the interest of all Merchant Navy Officers employment prospects, welfare and solidarity. We are ever ready to work as partner with the Shipping fraternity for the sake of the Merchant Navy Officers in all spheres of our Maritime Industry.
  • To maintain and protect Dignity, Prestige, Respect and Professional values of our members
  • To protest against those who indulge in practices leading to discrimination, exploitation, injustice, denial of rights, terms and conditions of all relevant agreements of its members.
  • To extend assistance to our members during the time of their dire need. MNKS team is always on standby to extend help to members whenever they call on us.
  • To support policies of the Government, National and International bodies of Shipping industry.
  • To regularly update members about latest information concerning their professional and employment prospects through our website and Journal Oceanite.
  • To discourage and never support acts of indiscipline, corruption and deliberate efforts to damage the professional reputation of seafaring as a whole.
  • To support and implement Maritime Labor Convention 2006.
  • To encourage and support women seafarers to build up their professional values and dignity.
  • To establish close working relationship and co-ordinate with National, International Shipping industry and seafarers’ organizations, government, world bodies including ILO and IMO. Our ultimate aim is to ensure that our members are part of national and international shipping expert committees.
  • To support members whenever the need arises ensuring in upgrading their profession values, technical, legal and commercial knowledge with add on qualifications to the utmost in the competitive shipping scenario.
  • Our members should be able to extend their expertise and strength by virtue of their knowledge to afloat and ashore merchant navy personnel, shipping organizations as well as should be in a position to recommend and lay future plans for shipping industry.
  • MNKS expects from members in making their Union efficient, reliable and stronger to serve them better in all respect.
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At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)